Sunday, October 10, 2010


A day that only comes by once a thousand year...

You'll have to wait for another thousand year for this day.

Probably by that time you've already turned into Petroleum..

But Hey, what's the big Hoo-Haa about this day?

There's nothing to celebrate about this day.

Seriously, it's just like any other day.

Yes, i'm jealous of whoever you are that's celebrating.

Because i cant.

Because my exam is next week.

And all i can do is stay in my room and stare at my notes.

What's the point of studying so much when the world is probably gonna end in 2012?


and whoever you are that dont have to study on this day. :P


  1. Do I fall into that category of people you hate? hehe

  2. HAHAHAHAHA..... maybe :P
    i wish u were studying :D

  3. confirm im in the "ppl-i-love-the-most" category rite? =) i know..
